Private Couples Retreat in Panton, Vermont
Step away from your daily life together and nourish your relationship
A private couples retreat involves a series of sessions customized to meet your needs
You decide how many sessions you want with Miles and how many days you want to invest in your relationship. We recommend 3-hour sessions as this enables a deeper experience with more lasting results. A basic retreat is usually two nights with two 3-hour sessions on two consecutive days.
During the process each of you will be encouraged and supported to get in touch with your immediate emotions and basic needs. You will learn and practice a simple assertion skill that enables you to express your emotions honestly, and ask for support in meeting your needs, without blame or hostility. You will also learn and practice a simple listening skill that enables you to understand and empathize with your partner.​​​
For most of the sessions, you will have live conversations with your partner about real, current issues. Miles facilitates these conversations, showing you how to use the skills in each particular situation. The result is a better understanding of your own emotions and needs, and those of your partner.

As you learn how to feel and express your immediate emotions and needs, and listen to those of your partner, your relationship begins to flow more smoothly. Both of you are better able to meet your own basic needs within the relationship, and understand and support your partner in meeting their needs.
Location of Sessions​
Sessions are held at Stillwater Landing in Panton Vermont - a beautiful, secluded, 7-acre nature sanctuary on the shores of Lake Champlain providing a calming background for this deep work.
You will stay in a local Inn or Air BnB of your choice in the area.

A committed relationship is challenging to maintain. For your marriage or partnership to survive, you need dedicated effort. And learning basic communication skills makes this work easier and more effective.
While the skills of Conscious Communication are simple, they can be surprisingly difficult to use in real conversations. When one or both of you are emotionally charged, you are likely to revert to old patterns – the ones that no longer work.
The longer your retreat and the more sessions that you attend, the better you will be able to use these communication skills in your daily interactions with each other. As you practice the skills, you will gradually undo old patterns and create new opportunities for each of you to be nourished and satisfied.
Taking a retreat from your normal routine and having longer sessions will help you learn how to use these skills in your relationship. You will be encouraged to practice them between sessions, and review what happened in your next meeting.