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Miles is a teacher, author, coach, and farmer.
He offers skills for self-awareness,
relationships, and resolving problems
at their source.

Photo by Craig Donnan

Meet Miles...

A Lifetime of Practice

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Miles discovered meditation, organic farming, and conscious communication in the 1970s, and has made learning and teaching these skills the focus of his life.


He has participated in numerous intensive meditation retreats from 10 days to 3 months in length, maintained a daily sitting practice for over 40 years, and taught students for over 20 years.


He is also a professionally trained mediator with 10 years of experience in divorce mediation, 23 years teaching communication and conflict-resolution skills at the Community College of Vermont and other venues, and over 25 years coaching couples.  

Practical Tools
for Clarity and Connection

Miles has been involved in the emerging personal growth movement for four decades and he knows what works.


He understands your longing for inner clarity and connection with others and offers skills that enable you to achieve these in a genuine way.


Miles articulates a clear vision of your spiritual potential, simplified into practical and pragmatic steps. Without relying on abstract doctrine or theology, he teaches grounded and proven techniques and supports you in learning how to use them.

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The Artistry of Teaching

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Miles views teaching as a creative process and improvises to see what works. He doesn’t tell you what to believe, or how to think, but teaches a method that interrupts your patterns of thought and shifts your perspective. He re-directs your attention and gives you tools, so you can see for yourself where you are stuck and how to get free.


As you practice these skills you become more self-aware and are able to choose for yourself what makes you happy and peaceful.

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Grounded in Land Stewardship

Miles has lived close to the earth in remote off-grid locations as well as monasteries, retreat centers, organic farms, and intentional communities since 1979.


In 1988 he began stewarding and homesteading a 120-acre neglected hill farm in Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom. After making Sky Meadow into a vibrant, self-sufficient, permaculture homestead, Miles founded the retreat center there in 1998. He managed and led retreats at Sky Meadow for over 20 years.

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